
These are very important opcodes because they manipulate storage, which is very expensive.

Storage Load#

Load a word from storage given by a key and put it on the stack.

def sload(evm): 
    key = evm.stack.pop().value
    warm, value =

    evm.gas_dec(2100) # 100 if warm
    evm.pc += 1

Storage Store#

Get the key and the word that will be stored from the stack and store in storage.

def sstore(evm): 
    key, value = evm.stack.pop(), evm.stack.pop()
    warm, old_value =, value)

    base_dynamic_gas = 0

    if value != old_value:
        if old_value == 0:
            base_dynamic_gas = 20000
            base_dynamic_gas = 2900

    access_cost = 100 if warm else 2100
    evm.gas_dec(base_dynamic_gas + access_cost)

    evm.pc += 1

    # TODO: do refunds